Pride of Pinoy iOS App Design

I love to cook and have recently been trying to cook more dishes from my cultural backgrounds. While looking up recipes I got the idea for a recipe app focusing on Filipino cuisine.

A successful vision of this app would elegantly display all relevant cooking information (directions, ingredients, etc.) while also incorporating distinctly Filipino style elements.

Utilizing Sketch, I created an interactive wireframe of my imagined Filipino cooking app, Pride of Pinoy. The name comes from the emphasis and pride Filipino culture places on food and the commonly used nickname for Filipinos: Pinoy.

Tools Used: Sketch


The Pambansang Watawat or national flag of the Philippines (see right) is distinctive and immediately recognizable by any Pinoy (person of Filipino heritage). As Filipinos can often be seen wearing the flag on jackets and other articles of clothing, I thought it would be fitting to pull all branding directly from the flag.

The base color, used for all text, is derived from the blue of the flag. A slightly darker version of the blue is used for text to increase readability and the exact flag blue (at 10% opacity) is used for the empty rating stars. Full rating stars, and accent text, are prominently displayed in the same yellow as the flag. The red makes an appearance in the logo, as well as with accent text as an underline. From the red dot of the "i" I also incorporated a white radial gradient to give the effect of shining light.

The font choice was made to feel similar to, but easier to read than, the font of the Philippine Department of Tourism's wide reaching "It's More Fun in the Philippines" marketing campaign. The font used is called Darker Grotesque and I used a variety of weights depending on the text placement.

The star seen in the background of the launch screen and at the top of the home screen, is the eight-pointed star from the Pambansang Watawat. These eight points represent the original eight provinces declared during the Philippine revolution while the three five-pointed stars represent the three major island groups where the revolution began.

None of the food photos used in the app belong to me.

Sinigang (Beef in Tamarind Soup)

While chicken parm my have my stomach, filipino food has my heart! To the left is a bowl of sinigang soup over rice, a recipe featured in the Pride of Pinoy app mockup.

Feel free to contact me for the recipe! This sour soup, loaded with hearty veggies, is perfect for a cold winter's day.

The onions are cooked until nearly translucent and the beef until it almost melts into your mouth, while the greens are added at the last minute so they still retain all of their crunch. Mmm, sarap (delicious)!